All these days I was dis-satisfied with the template which Blogger offers.. Cos lot of area is consumed on the left an' right ( I wud say wasted ). Just like a narrow lane, this is the space given for postin. Then I was enlighted by one of the other guys blog who had a very neat design blog which is not listed in blogger template. I googled the webspace and found few outstanding stuffs(stuffs mane templates). I had my req. right in place so I dumped many of them. Finally this was porfect fit 4 my req. and all the side contents went in as menus(thx to CSS & DIV) and looks cool as well. Now I hav soo much space I can sleep with my arms and legs stretched. Yo! Yo!Yo!Yo!Yo!Yo!
ACK: Thankx
mahesh for helping me 2 tweaking/fine-tunin up the look and feel
ha ha ha.
Thankx mate.
I took a course in "User Interface design" and the professor's first rule in designing a web interface was
"keep it white and keep it simple".
Green is new white in ur case ;).