A little bit of myself and ....

Be urself. It's difficult. Still nothing harm in tryin it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

King Kong

On friday, my friend calls up and say "Hey man, Tomorrow @10 keep ur self free. I have booked tickets for KING KONG in PVR". I'm like "do I have options." He said, "Nope. Not this time."

I went along thinking, he is calling for some kids movie. Though I had not seen the older version. Finally we left home just 25mins before 11. Some how zoom'd thru the ring road and reached in time. We check out the queue to pick up the reserved tickets, it was longer than queue to buy tickets. We were like "Might be we will go by interval". Then, finally got it in time.

I was feeling very hungry. No breakfast. Bought looots of stuffs to eat and went in. And tada ADs were going on. Looots of them.

Film started finally. Peter Jackson had spent lots of money rendering the graphic scenes after LOTR sucess runs. Was good going, but Kids don't go for it. Large sized spiders, Dinosaurs raw hunting technics, Lots of yuck creatures, big centipedes, ........ There was this kid next me, who spend most part of the movie with his eyes closed and hugging his mom.

But the comedy between Heroine and Kong is really funny and Natural. Crowd & even me loved it a lot.

But every thing was fine until the Beast was in his own tamed forest. Movie was moving smoothly. Finally the greedy peoples mind starts working 2 show the beast 2 real world.

It goes on as in the original(over heard a discussion while exiting the hall). But most heartbreaking scene was when Kong finds his first & last friend in the city. And starts enjoying his moments with her. Then, Thunder-bolt attack of the civilized moronic people starts. Kong reaches the highest building and climbs almost the top of it with his friend. Civilized people had not stopped thinking. They come back with planes to kill him. Kong lived like a king in his place, so he assumes the same here as well. Then he reaches the top, Soooooooo high and still fearless trying to jump and catch the planes. I was so very scared "what if he falls in the pursuit".

I always felt he will get down safely unhurt. But he was killed. Dead kong falls down and ppl take advantage , pose in front of him and take pictures. The main a*#$%@#e comes in and says, "Beauty killed the Beast" . I would rephrase it, "Greedy people killed the beast" . Only because some greedy people wanted to make money they bought him to Un-civilized world.

Peter jackson wanted 2 remake, but e could have made the climax like "put back the Kong where he belonged to". I am still unhappy that they killed him. Kong was like a kid.

Tho it was fictious, I am deeply hurt way ppl handled him in the end.
|| Hash Gowda, 12:18 AM

Those 0 somethings...: