A little bit of myself and ....

Be urself. It's difficult. Still nothing harm in tryin it.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Obituary to MC PURI

I always love learned persons. I have come across some teachers in my life, who didnot work for the sake of working. They were providing their services to us(me). Even the poorest teacher I have witness didnot quit the job though she had a great offer with her.
I salute all those teachers who were responsible for many ppl(including me) success
When I heard the news the a professor was killed in the shoot out by terrorist. First thing that struck my mind is...... "What abt the knowledge he had acquired over these years, they're just gone in a whisker(because of some idiots). The Brain is dead, knowledge is gone......". I would say that's costlier than Kohinoor
May he Rest in Peace
|| Hash Gowda, 1:26 AM

Those 0 somethings...: