A little bit of myself and ....

Be urself. It's difficult. Still nothing harm in tryin it.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Being a Bangalorean, it hurts whenever somebody does a Sweeping statement. After all this is the place I have complete my 26yrs, I love it. I still like it to be called Pensioner's Paradise or Garden City rather than IT HUB. I felt this worth sharing few piece of information to all those who're staying in Bangalore CLICK HERE
|| Hash Gowda, 12:18 AM

Those 5 somethings...:

very understandable
Blogger EYE, at 9:23 PM  
wow. living your entire life in bangalore. seems pretty sweet. growing up in a city must have been nice.

i sometimes wonder what it would have been like to grow up in India.
Blogger Bookworm, at 11:44 PM  
I share the same sentiments as u do. I know this city has its negative points. But then that does not stop me from loving namma Bengaluru. Thanks for the link. Found the article very interesting.:)
Blogger Madhooo, at 1:46 PM  
High time for a new post buddy
Blogger Viewer, at 9:32 PM  
what's up no new posts?????????
Blogger EYE, at 3:07 PM